So I got to speak Spanish this week... Just kidding I don't know
how to speak Spanish... but i pretended to know how to speak Spanish. I
went on my first exchange this week as a Sister Training Leader with an
Hermana to her area. It was so much fun, and I am definitely learning a
TON about how to love others and be an effective leader... hopefully I
don't have to learn it all by bad experiences about what NOT to do
haha.... but anyways.
Ehh.... There haven't
been a ton of crazy stories this week... Let me think... Last week for
P-day we had a giant nerf war with our zone... that was really fun. We
had the whole gym set up with tables and chairs and chalkboards to hide
behind... but my team lost every time.
We had
an investigator at church yesterday! She is a super cute little Black
girl with her little sister, and they were SO good! They sat so
reverently and were just a joy to be around! Also yesterday, I gave a
talk about sustaining our leaders. It was pretty easy, seeing as how we
just had a wonderful conference last week. Haha but apparently the
bishopric thought that me and the other elder who spoke would take up
more time than we did, because we got out of sacrament meeting like 10
minutes early haha. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a repeat of
what happened at my farewell talk, so I kept it all brief! But a
miracle happened in Gospel Principles class, because we had forgotten
that we were supposed to teach the lesson until that morning, and hadn't
prepared anything! we figured out what the lesson was on in Sacrament
meeting, and then went into class and just winged it!!! Thankfully
Heavenly Father is a merciful and loving God, because in a moment of
pure comp unity, we busted out that lesson like we had rehearsed it for
days! It was so cool how the spirit worked with us. We shared a couple
videos, and at the end everyone was so excited about the scriptures that
we handed out a Book of Mormon to all the class members so they could
give them to their friends! It was truly a miracle of mercy!
I dont know what else to talk about except the weather.. It has been
pretty chilly and rainy and yucky lately... but today it is warmer, so
hopefully it will get warmer for good!
actually good news! So Sister Hale called me the other day and told me
that one of our investigators that we worked with together is getting
baptized this Saturday!!!
I am so filled with the lasting joy that only comes from the
Gospel!!!! Even if I never have another baptism again, if all the
investigators that I love and have been working with get baptized
eventually, I will be so happy! He was going to wait a while to get
baptized because he didn't know if he was ready, but then the bishop
talked to him, and pointed out that if he wanted to get baptized this Saturday,
him and his wife could be sealed in the temple on their anniversary
next year! So he said he would get baptized this week because he wanted
to make that a special day for her. ISNT THAT SO CUTE!!! This is also
the guy who we had pretty much dropped because he was working so much
that he couldn't ever meet with us. But then we found out that he and
his wife had been fasting and praying together and then he started
REALLY progressing right before I left. And now he is getting baptized!
I am so happy.
I have been gaining SUCH a testimony of prayer and study. I have been
receiving SO many answers to questions and gaining SO much understanding
of things! It is so crazy to think that everything everyone has told me
about prayer before is actually TRUE! He literally answers our prayers.
I don't understand it, but He does. I ask for a pony, and when I wake
up in the morning, guess what is standing in my living room... It is a
pony. I am so thankful for that power... Now, God isn't Santa. But He
loves us. He wants us to succeed. He doesn't ever put us in situations
to fail. He puts us right in the middle of challenges and problems to
help us learn to be creative and optimistic while we solve them!
my zone is doing like a sacrifice challenge. We are all getting up a
half hour earlier to work on being better missionaries. Whether it be
studies or role plays, or contacting or anything that we struggle with,
we start our day earlier to get better at these things. And I am loving
it more than a happy meal! Sometimes I get up even earlier to get in
more time for learning... I have been kind of addicted to studying the
good word of God lately... It is so EXCITING when the Holy Ghost
LITERALLY directs me with what to study to answer my questions. It is so
fun, and makes me SO much more confident when I teach and talk to
others, because I know that these ideas were given to me from God in
answer to my desires to help these people. I love it!!! I know that the
Holy Ghost is a teacher. I know that we can learn things from the Holy
Ghost that we can't learn from any other source, and I know that
obedience to these things that H-e reveals to us is CRUCIAL to finding
joy and peace and happiness!
WELLLLLLL!!!! I will let you know if there are any other crazy things that goes on here... I love you all a boatload!!!
Sister Baine
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